Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where do i go with speech and debate?
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8:30 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
setting her sites
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8:04 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Working on the railroad
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8:58 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
E-Learning.....Classes that you Can Take Anywhere, anytime!!......awesome right?
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8:52 AM
Friday, October 5, 2007
♥remote Access♥.....not that kinda remote... you couch potato!!!
♥This one Chick Named Jacqueline Colligan is 32 Years Old And Always On The Go♥...She Gets Up Early To Train For The BostTon MaraThon, ShoWers, Dresses, And Has To Leave By 7 A.M. To Beat The Traffic♥..If She Is Off Schedule By A Tiny Bit, The Travel To Her Job Takes Twice As Long...♥ Wouldn't That Suck?!♥..But There Are Calmer Days When She Only has To Go To Her Couch In Her Living Room To Do Her Work..♥...She Is A Part Time Telecommuter Working From Her house In Weymiouth Massachusetts....♥ I Guess She Works From a Laptop, Cell Phone, And Black Berry..♥..mmmm black berries...♥.....She Enjoys Working At Home Because There Are Fewer Disruptions, And Business Calls Can Take Place On The Regular 9-to-5 Hour Day...♥ ...Whatever that Means... ♥ ... Ha Ha ♥ I Guess So.♥. I Don't Know... ♥ I Guess More People LIke Working At Home.. ♥.. Cuz I Would...♥ Ha HA ♥ Not Really Cuz My Brothers Always There...♥ Lol...♥ Ugh This Article And Yesterday's Article Was Boring!!! ♥ I Think Ima Stop Here... ♥ And Just Say That Working At Home Is better... ♥... Lol.. pCe!♥
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9:17 AM
Building Pages... ugh today is a tiring friday.... i don't wanna do any work today!!!
You know those web page[s] that you go to every day to read the news right?!... or play game[s], celebrity gossip, and all that junk... yahoo....myspace...and those other page[s].... well, someone ha[s] to keep those page[s] fresh... with up-to-the minute information and content....yup... it's actually some one'[s] job to go onto my space everyday... so they got an excuse... unlike other people... haha...anyway[s], there[s] this one lady named Alison Walsh [an associate producer for], and career world interviewed her to find out what it'[s] like to do such a thing...
Alison walsh i[s] one of the 12 web site producer[s] for, which is an official website for degrassi and instant is her job to update and produce online content and make sure the website[s] run smoothly....*yawn*....kinda boring.... ugh.. i'm getting tired just thinkin about it... haha ...but anyway[s], i guess she say[s] everyday is different for her... like one day she'll spend several hour[s] uploading new content to the changing quizze[s], update current episode, or add promotional banner[s]... and another day she'll use photoshop for fun..[heck ye[s]... photoshop!!!] make new cartoon character[s] to use on the community page[s].... haha.. being on the web all the time sounds pretty boring...editing HTML code[s], and dealing with all that other junk... ugh... but she love[s] her job because it's creative, and interesting [*cough*..nerd.. haha jk]... but she said there are some downside[s].. like.. it can get shizz.... i though blogger was confusing.. ugh... just think about designing your own web page!!!... lol.. but yeah i think that[s] all i have to say for now.... so.. pCe!
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8:49 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Protect the digital frontier.......
**Lets start off with saying... today i don't feel like writing... haha... **
Anways, the federal bureau of investigation....or should i say... fry bread inspector[s] the FBI was watching thi[s] 20 year old guy named...Jeanson... but ima call him BOB... anyway[s], BOB was a dropout from Downey, Calif., and worked at a cafe...but he was a ooper dooper member of the secret society called the botmaster underground......ok... so what doe[s] BOB have to do with the digital frontier?!? hmm.... well, anyway[s], this ooper dooper group were expert[s] at using botnets to attack computer system[s]...pretty cool if i say so myself... but he infected 400,000 computers and then he rented his botnet to anyone with paypal account[s]...anyways, the frybread inspectors found out then went to the chat rooms where BOB went to sell his bobots... i mean.. bot net...and they posed as customers...BOB sold botnet to some of the agents, and he was arrested....and had to serve six years in prison... dang...prison... anyways, since then there have been more online criminals who make about 11.9 billion a year... wait wait hold up... 11.9 billion??!?!/ i need me a bobot.. ahha..anyways, hackers break into gov't websites to try and steal top secret info, and last year they disabled the website of U.S. commerce Dept.
Local Investigations
these guys know what there doing...haha... they go beyond just what they see on the screen... in drug busts,they can crack the security so that they can access the information and discover where the drug money is being held......they can also uncover files that have been deleted or encrypted and trace the history of those files.... dang... sounds like fun!!!... [i wouldn't mind learning.. lol] they can also follow a suspects trail on the this guy... dre's uncle.. named thomas... [hey victor what chu know about fire?!? lol]... he was suspected of murdering his ex-wife... dang... i guess...makes me never wanna get married... haha jk... anyways, they found out that he did a internet search on how to murder someone and not get caught, and also.... colorless AND odorless poison.... dang freaky.... anywyas, they found out it was consistent to the murder.. and he was caught... DUMMY!!!
anyways, i think ima end here... misss yaaaaazie says..."five more minutes".. and i need like thirty.. hehe... anyways, no matter what you do, where you go, you can always be tracked by the power of the computer.. thats how miss yazzie uses her program to watch us... oh dang.. .i think she's part of the ooper dooper botmaster underground....hmmm... so thats what that tattoos for.... lol jk
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8:52 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
you've probably heard your parents, teachers and counselors telling you that the best way to find a job is to network.... but what do they knoe...right?!? there stuck in the old dayz!!!! for us, it's right at our fingertips... the INTERNET!!!
Linked to Myspace.... does have other purposes besides being myspace can be used for trading information, and finding professional opportunities. Websites like myspace, facebook, and other networking sites make it much easier to market yourself.
this is a place to put up your own personal website where you can customize what you put on there.....pretty tite rite?! This chick anemd kate uses it for a portfolio so that professional employers can look at her work....hmm...kinda like a resume!!!... thats awesome....
Please Leave A Message
another way is to find message boards that center around the industry you're interested in, and watch the, you can like see which companies are mentioned, which one of those are hiring, and also, which are good to work for, and which ones suck... ha..... so, just sit around your computer all day and see whats up... haha just kitting.
Blog It
hmm.... this is what we do every single day.. hehe but when you blog, you can actually get responses....this one girl named Levinson left a blog, and she got responses.. and even one to send in a resume... hahaha... lucky is she.... ok.. this is for all them employers out there in tuba.... I NEED A JOB... haha see how many responses i get... lol jk...
Connect Carefully
theres alotta weirdo crack head guys... and girls... out there... haha more guys than girls though.. haha just kidding.. but just be careful what you put on message boards... don't put up your adress....or phone number... or social security numer... food stamp code... haha.. just kidding.. but don't put aything up that is personal... oh yeah and don't put anything stupid on your blog like this one idiot that had applied for an internship with jobbound (an internet-based employment assistance company), he put up that his hobbie was "smokin blunts wit the homies"... haha...[amen...nah just kidding..]... but thats pretty reatarded.... it cost him the internship...haha loser! see... don't put stupid stuff... just put that you like doing community service like helping the elderly... haha just kidding!!.. but if you do wanna say that you like to smoke blunts wit your homies, ha, then put your privacy settings on so only your "blunt smokin homies" know.... smart... do it right, and before too long, you'll be posting news of your new job at kate's.. haha
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10:11 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
A Guy named Jacob, And His Computer program....& Web Search Woes!
Jacob's cool computer program
Usually at age five, your playing with like action figures, or like.... [ninja turtles] or something, but jacob didn't... nuh-uh.. he was a age 5 he was writing computer programs, and by age 8 he was taking apart computers....[big deal right?] but he put them back together again!!! awesome... a year later in...2001, he heard his sister's school was throwing away 30, he thought he would fix them up instead of letting them go to waste...[smart kid]... he had a big plan to fix the computers, and give them away to people in the community who didn't have one...[sweeeeeeet]....he fixed them, and gave them away, and since then he's been doing the same ol' thing, and has distributed more than 2.000 recycled computers...not really recycled, but [fixed..] haha..
Web Search Woes
although student are sourrounded by techechnology..[computers, cellphones, etc..] they have a hard time navigating through cyber space....[hehe i just wrote cyber]....ETS(educational testing services) asked 6,300 high school and college students to evaluate a set of five websies for objectivity,authority, and timeliness.....these students had trouble marrowing down web searches....[blah blah blah..... just learn how to use the internet geez...] and all that other stuff...
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8:54 AM